


OSC Receive Parameters
This is where you set the OSC values. Up to three parameters can be sent with each command. You can also choose whether the controller send and/or receives OSC messages.



Operation Command Format Example Notes
to receive value updates /address integer or /address float /fader 45 Use the Data Value 'CC Value' in DAWSound.
to receive caption updates /address string /fader "Vocals"
to receive caption updates /address string /button "C3"
to receive color updates /address color /button 8388352 The color received will be the 'OFF' color. DAWSound will automatically calculate the 'ON' color.
to turn the Button on /address integer /button 70 Any value of 65 or greater will turn the Button on.
to turn the Button off /address integer /button 0 A value of 64 or less will turn the Button off.
MIDI Modifier
to receive caption updates /address string /midimod "C3"
to receive color updates /address color /midimod 8388352 The color received will be the 'OFF' color. DAWSound will automatically calculate the 'ON' color.
to turn the MIDIMod on /address integer /midimod 70 Any value of 65 or greater will turn the MIDIMod on.
to turn the MIDIMod off /address integer /midimod 0 A value of 64 or less will turn the MIDIMod off.
Popup Layout
to receive caption updates /address string /playout "Mixer"
to receive color updates /address color /playout 8388352 The color received will be the 'OFF' color. DAWSound will automatically calculate the 'ON' color.
to turn the Popup Layout on /address integer /playout 70 Any value of 65 or greater will turn the Popup Layout on.
to turn the Popup Layout off /address integer /playout 0 A value of 64 or less will turn the Popup Layout off.
to receive caption updates /address string /encoder "Filter"
to receive value updates /address integer or /address float /encoder 45 Use the Data Value 'CC Value' in DAWSound.
to receive caption updates /address string /knob "Filter"
to receive value updates /address integer or /address float /knob 45 Use the Data Value 'CC Value' in DAWSound.
Matrix Button
to turn the Matrix Button on /address integer /matrixbutton 70 Any value of 65 or greater will turn the Matrix Button on.
to turn the Matrix Button off /address integer /matrixbutton 0 A value of 64 or less will turn the Matrix Button off.
VU Meter
to receive value updates /address integer or /address float /vu .45 Use the Data Value 'CC Value' in DAWSound. DAWSound expects values between 0 and 1.
to receive caption updates /address string /vu "Vocals"
Label / LED
to receive caption updates /address string /label "Comp"
to turn the LED on /address integer /led 70 Any value of 65 or greater will turn the LED on.
to turn the LED off /address integer /led 0 A value of 64 or less will turn the LED off.
XY Pad
to receive caption updates /address string /xypad "Panner"
to receive value updates for the X value /address integer or /address float /xypad 45 Use the DAWSound OSC Command 1 for values for the X axis. Use the Data Value 'CC Value' in DAWSound.
to receive value updates for the Y value /address integer or /address float /xypad 15 Use the DAWSound OSC Command 2 for values for the Y axis. Use the Data Value 'CC Value' in DAWSound.