Back Color
This is the back color of the controller.
Knob Color
This is the color of the knob.
Border Color
This is the border color of the controller.
Indicator Color
This is the indicator color of the controller.
Tick Color
This is the tick color of the controller.
Border Type
This is the border type of the controller.
Border Width
This is the border width of the controller.
This will make the controller return to a default value when released.
Auto-Return Value
This is the value the controller returns to when set to 'Auto-Return'.
Show Labels
This show the numbers on the controller.
This is the left position of the controller.
This is the top position of the controller.
This is the Size of the controller.
This is the width of the controller.
MIDI Channel
This is the MIDI channel of the controller.
CC Num
This is the CC Number of the controller.
Max Value
This is the maximum value of the controller.
Min Value
This is the minimum value of the controller.